Tuesday, March 13, 2007

There are no words to describe what a beautiful experience the maiden voyage was for me. I am so blessed to have such incredible women in my life...

The timing has been perfect in more than one way...recently I have given a lot of thought to what I should teach Thelma regarding her "woman parts", and at this age, verbiage is all I need to address. Yoni came into our vocabulary just when we needed it! OK, so its not quite in Thelma's vocab yet, but when I ask her where her yoni is, she knows! I am so proud.

Never mind the fact that I still can't get Yonni Meron (from my fourth grade class....he had a green mechanical pencil that he lovingly referred to as "green machine", which he was constantly swinging through the air like he just hit a grand slam, home run.) out of my head.


Anne said...

Ha! I know what you mean - I could hardly describe the weekend to anyone.

I love it - Thelma is so dang cute. I've got Jake saying Yoni too :)

paige said...

i'm so glad you are blogging!!! and i'm sooo thankful for you in my life....