Monday, January 28, 2008

minnesota heat wave

After days on end of below zero temperatures and wind chills, the thermometer hit nearly 20 degrees on Saturday. We couldn't resist the opportunity to spend the entire day outside. Delip built a fire and we roasted hot dogs and made tracks all over the yard with the sled. Thelma had a blast and I realized that life here might not be so bad after all.

When the temp shot up to 35 yesterday, we continued our outdoor weekend with a long hike through Quarry Hill Nature Center. I just recently discovered this great area and imagine we'll be spending a lot of time there. They also have parent/child preschool classes that I'm going to start taking Thelma too.

One more day of warm weather and then back to normal tomorrow. Hope you're all out enjoying it as much as we are!


Anne said...

that is so great allisa!

amanda jane said...

ahhhhhhh! it feels so good doesn't it?! the sun, and settling in. glad you're finding your place.